Chinese Medical theory states... Acupuncture stimulates the body's innate healing system to fix itself...
Jonathon Wilton
Quickfire points
Jonathon is a NZ trained + NZ registered Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist
He grew up in Otago + has made a return to the area
Zen is his middle-name. He walks the talk, meditation + living balance are his prioritys
He is present, his time and energy is with you, he connects with you, he applies treatment to balance your ailments
He loves TCM Acupuncture so much he is also married to an TCM Acupuncturist ;)
He has diplomas in Herbal Medicine + Tunia (chinese medical massage) to enhance his knowledge + treatments
Jonathon's settled in Wanaka for the long-term, so get to know him and he'll be there for you over the years
Jonathons Speciality area
Jonathon is committed to TCM Acupuncture practice, but does also practises Neuropuncture
Neuropuncture is the only complete neuroscience acupuncture system that provides consistent, clinically reproducible neuroscience electrical acupuncture training.
A unique acupuncture system that integrates 21 century medical sciences into the classical acupuncture model
Conditions ranging from pain management and orthopaedics, to mental health conditions, and internal medicine conditions
Dr. Michael Corradino developed Neuropuncture by analysing classical acupuncture theory and incorporating the research of the neurophysiological mechanisms of acupuncture, then combining research of electrical acupuncture’s effects on the nervous system, and examining the reproducible clinical outcomes he was achieving while maintaining the holistic traditional TCM health model.
Message from Kate
Jonathon is now taking ownership of the clinic, and i would like to write a special thanks to all the incredible people that have supported and backed my vision since opening The Acupuncture Room in Jan 2014.
The Acupuncture Room has been a very special part of the last 8 years for me and reading back on my original business plan, was heart warming to realise the clinic has thrived beyond my hopes and dreams for what it became and still is.
I will be back around Wanaka for visits but not for work any longer and couldn't be more happy with Jonathon being the one to continue on The Acupuncture Room service for Wanaka. His full schedule and large local support already shows how much everyone is enjoying his kind natured and intelligent care.
Much love to all of you in your journeys, and a special love to all those clients who have passed over since my opening too, as you are all individually not forgotten and taught me some of the biggest life lessons.
Kate xx