On your first visit to the Acupuncture Room you will need to fill out a Patient Consent Form. This is required for your contact details, ACC details (if applicable), know your Rights as a patient, and other Terms of Conditions regarding treatment.
We will have the Patient Consent Form in the reception of the Community Consulting Rooms for you to fill out, so please arrive 10 mins before the time of scheduled treatment on your first visit.

The First Part of the Treatment will be questioning and the development of a personalised treatment strategy to target your major complaint and associated complaints. Your tongue is observed and your pulses are taken which gives the practitioner important information.
The Second Part of the Treatment will be insertion of needles and any other tools such as cupping, moxibustion, massage or ear seeds, if relevant to your treatment. There is more about these techniques used on this website.
The Third Part of the Treatment involves relaxing and enjoying the experience of the needles doing the work. Some people prefer if I leave the room in order to relax deeply, if this is you please tell me, however, if you feel uncomfortable being left then also please speak up.